Get to Know The Leviosa Team
Ashley Loga
Co-Owner, Director of Operations
If you could go back to any moment in time, when would it be?
1920’s Paris to be a part of the literary scene there during that time.
Favorite thing about the event industry:
It is hard to choose. There are so many things I love about the industry. I think my favorite thing though is the collaboration between vendors, hotels, staff and planners to all come together and create a magical event.
Arielle Barels
Co-Owner, Director of Creative Development
What is your 15 minutes of fame? I competed and made it to the nationwide finals for the US Air Guitar championship (yes, apparently it's a thing!)
Favorite thing about the event industry: I love getting to know my clients and their tastes, and then through design helping them materialize their vision for the event.- It makes me feel like I am a creator of "everyday magic"
Jonathan Loga
Chief Financial Officer
The best advice I’ve heard? A college professor once said that “you should never be afraid to ask for help because it’s better to verify something than to fix a mistake”.
Fictional place I’d like to visit: Stormwind City from World of Warcraft. So many memories of the game and hanging out there. Such a beautiful place too, I would love to walk around in person and see it all in real life.